Board Owl is proud to announce the partnering with The Swiss ICT Investor Club, SICTIC.
Who is SICTIC?
The Swiss ICT Investor Club, SICTIC, is the largest business angel club in Switzerland. The Club currently has over 430 investors in its community, which actively benefit from their services. One of SICTIC’s main activities is to connect potential high-growth startups to our smart money investors. Their investor community consists of business angels and private investors who are looking to learn about investing in early-stage, Switzerland-based, technology startups.
In addition to this, many of SICTICs angel investors have an entrepreneurial background as founders, CEOs, partners, or board members.
What does this partnership mean?
This means that Board Owl will be enriched with yet another outstanding member that we can learn from and engage with. In return, SICTIC will discover our platform and all of the brilliant people that make it what it is today.
We are convinced that this partnership will enhance our member’s network and bring new valuable knowledge to the table.
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